Igualada Women’s Health & Fertility Center Services
Basic Services
Transvaginal ultrasound
Transrectal ultrasound
Biometry / Biophysical scoring (BPP)
NST (non stress test)
Transabdominal ultraosund
Whole abdomen ultrasound
Hepatobiliary ultrasound (HBT)
Kidney-urinary bladder utlrasound (KUB)
Investigating the probable cause of infertility is essential in the process of conception. Initial workup would include history taking, physical examination, and additional lab tests/ diagnostics.
For female infertility, various tests include:
Pelvic examination (including Pap’s smear)
Transvaginal ultrasound
Ovarian reserve
Antral follicle count
Antimullerian hormone
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
Saline infusion sonogram
Hormonal assays
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
For male:
Semen analysis (properly timed and properly collected)
Hormonal assays
Scrotal / transrectal ultrasound
Boy or girl, every baby is always a happy blessing! Our obstetricians will take care of your pregnancy. This includes weekly to monthly check-up in the clinic, as well as the laboratories and, vaccines, and medications that you need to receive during your pregnancy.
Pap’s smear
Pelvic Exam
Tumor markers (serology)
Our gynecologists are also adept in treating various vaginal itchiness, discharges, or sexually transmitted diseases. Screening and vaccinations against STD are also availble in our clinic.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Rubella (MMR)
Hep B